Friday, 9 November 2012

Identity Crisis

Dear Phoebe,

We named you Phoebe Faith. It was my choice of name, and Daddy agreed when he saw you arrive in the world. It's a beautiful name, taken from Paul's letter to the Romans in the Bible. Romans 16:1 says, "I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae." - she was obviously an important woman in the early Christian church.

Somehow you got the nickname Doodles. I couldn't tell you where it comes from, but you're often called Phoebe-Doo, or Phoebe-Doodles, or just Doodles, which you happily answer to. Even Grandma and Grandpa call you Doodles at times! Esther even shortens that to Doo.

But recently, you've adopted lots of other personalities. You and Esther enjoy playing mummies. Sometimes you get your preferred role of Mummy, but sometimes you have to give in and be the baby; only the baby is always called Babes. Not sure where that came from, but whichever of you takes that role gets the name. If you're not playing mummies, you are friends, so you have to be called Friend. At those times I'm not allowed to use Phoebe to call you.

You are also (apparently!) a rabbit. Not just any kind, but a Baby Rabbit. There are times I'm expected to address you as such. At those times, I'm Mummy Rabbit, Daddy is Daddy Rabbit and Esther is Sister Rabbit. Oh and not forgetting the cat, on whom we bestowed the confusing non-feline name of Monkey. At Bunny-related moments, she is Monkey-Rabbit. Yes, Monkey-Rabbit....she's a cat. Hmmmm! And if all the Rabbits weren't tricky enough, you have a cuddly rabbit; she's called Little Girly. How logical!

There was a day your wet boots squeaked as you got into the car. That day you were Baby Mouse....all day. Well, until you changed (unannounced!) to one of the other names. It's hard work keeping up.

You are very patient though. I often call you other names, again I have no idea where they come from. For example I have called you Beans, Sausage, Gorgeous and Angel. The last one causes great upset as you tell me in no uncertain terms that you are "not a angel"! (Amusingly, I had a note from nursery today to say you are an Angel in the Christmas nativity.....see, Mummy is always right!!)

On a final note about names, you have always struggled to say Esther, with it coming out without the /s/, sounding like E-der. Your lovely sister has been very patient and allows you to say it 'wrong' without getting cross. Recently you have been able to tell it's not quite right. You know it is wrong if I say E-der, but you couldn't do it correctly. We weren't worried - I'm aware /s/ is one of the later sounds to be pronounced. But to the delight of both you and your sister, last night you suddenly starting making the /s/ sound, and can now say Esther. We are all very proud of you Phoebe, Baby Rabbit, Doodles, Little One....or whoever you are today.

Whichever name you choose, always know I love you Phoebe Faith.
Mummy x