Wednesday, 10 September 2014


Dear Phoebe,

It's been a long time since I've blogged on here. And not many blog posts away from this one is one where I wrote to Esther to tell her to enjoy school. Well, amazingly, today is the day for that message to you.

It's so hard to believe.

You. Phoebe. Doodles. Double Trouble. How can you possibly be going to school? I wasn't ready for Esther to go, but way. Esther's now a big Year 2. She's almost 7 and I'm burying my head in the sand about that. But as I put you to bed tonight, your eyes shone and your literally shook with the excitement of school tomorrow. I know you'll love it, and I know you'll do brilliantly.

I'll miss you so much, Since leaving teaching and starting to work shifts, I've had more time with you than before. Mornings before an early shift, and those days off in the week. They have been Mummy days. And we've loved them. Part of me felt guilty today for not doing exciting things with you, but I know we have enjoyed just being together. Phoebe and Mummy. Fabulous.

So go enjoy tomorrow. It's the next step on a new journey but not the end of the old one. We'll still have our time. I'll always be here for you baby.

This is the advice I gave to Esther and it holds for you too :

Enjoy every moment, and be the very best you can.

I love you Phoebe Faith.
Love, Mummy x

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