Dear E,
You make me laugh. A lot. You're always rabbiting on and often it's hilarious. Occasionally it's embarrassing though...and I suspect that won't end any time soon.
Recently, you've been going through a phase of telling people what animal they are. Daddy is a monkey (obviously!) - always has been and always will be. I'm a lion, and I quite like that. You were doing it at nursery the other day, and Sarah was (as she has taught you!) "cool". She likes that. You're scrumptious, she's cool. Fair enough. I don't think she got an animal - cool is enough for anyone.
Anyway, she asked what Charlotte was (you love do I, she did some of her nursery nurse training in my Year 1 class when I was pregnant with you and she was fab!). Charlotte was a lion- quite a compliment. So, on to Tracy. Your reply came without needing much thinking about....."Tracy's a cow," you said, with a smile.
It's a good job she knew how to take that!
Love you cheeky bear,
Mummy x
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