Saturday 27 November 2010

(Un)requited love?!

Dear E,

Recently we've been giggling about love. I tell you that I love you and you tell me I don't. I hope you know I do though. You also like to tell me, "I don't like your kisses!" in a very strong which I cover your face in tiny kisses which makes you giggle a lot. At least right now you're always laughing/smiling when you wipe my kisses away....I hope that never changes.

Last night you girls had got ready for bed and you were tootling off with Daddy to brush your teeth and read stories. I was sat on my bed ready to feed P and put her down in her cot. I always ask Daddy to turn the light off, and one of you closes the door. So the door closed, and the light went off...then suddenly the door re-opened and your smiling face popped round and said (quite unprompted), "I love you right up to the moon and back!". You disappeared as fast as you had come, but it made me smile (and well up slightly!!).

Then another moment I should write about (just so you see that Daddy can be romantic occasionally)......Today in Tesco the lady on the checkout was commenting on our two beautiful girls, and I was saying you are both total Daddy's girls, and no-one loves me. Daddy said straight out, "I love you." Bless him!

Love you - and I always will, and you're not to forget that,
Mummy x

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