Friday 31 December 2010

Happy New Year!

Dear girls,

Well 2010 has been a lovely year. Started well with our gorgeous E, and the arrival of our beautiful little P in April really completed our little family.

I can't quite believe the pair of you are as old as you are (or indeed that it's New Year's Eve!). E is 3 years and almost 3 months, and P is 8 months old. Two gorgeous wee girls. Still very alike and still the absolute best of friends. E often tells us that P is her "best best ever friend".....long may it continue.

I don't make new year's resolutions as I would always break them, but I hope 2011 is a fabulous year for our family. I'm writing this sat at home with not even a sniff of alcohol as I have awful laryngitis and feel awful, so 2011 can only get better!

Love you loads girls....can't wait to write to you more in 2011,
Love always,
Mummy x

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