Friday 11 February 2011

Dear E,

“You can kid the world. But not your sister”
Charlotte Gray

Sisters, and best friends. That's you and P. You regularly tell us she is your "best best ever friend", and long may it continue. Thank you for loving her, and thank you for looking after her at Grandma's and nursery. She is settling into nursery and you're loving having her there. I thought it was lovely that you always ask if you can go upstairs to the baby room to see her at nursery...until the staff told me that you like to go up, say hello to P, and then play with the babies' toys and not speak to your sister again! I guess it's a bit like at home, where you prefer her toys to your own!

You're hilarious to talk to these days, and you do keep me entertained.Things like sitting on the edge of the frame of Polly (the rocking horse!) and holding your baby monitor.....stroking it and calling it your guinea pig! It's called Phoebe apparently!

You're also obsessed by your 'baby'. She was a first birthday gift - the only non-scary-looking doll I could find not dressed in pink! She has recently been given a name, at least we know now! But her Daddy apparently lives in the attic, and her sister is called Coda (the same as Aunty Sharon's dog!). I had to clarify to nursery that there was no other baby, and I hope they realised that Daddy isn't left in the attic all the time! Oh and Milly's Daddy is called Matt....obviously!

Last week we had sadness in the family. Your great grandad passed away. Very sad times. I didn't want to take you to the funeral so you didn't see the sadness, but we did talk about him, and about what had happened. You took it well, and seem to understand that he is in Heaven. I love the mental image you give us about him playing with Chewy the cat. However, on the day of the funeral, we had a lovely conversation :

E: Where are your Ma and Pa?
M: In Heaven
E: With Chewy?
E: And with Great Grandad Lack?
M: Yes my love.
E: So they are with God in Heaven?
M: Yes
E: Is God ill?
M: No darling, God made the world!
E: (disbelieving) No he didn't *giggle*
M: No really, he did
E: But not the sun
M: Yes darling, he made the sun as well., God made everything
E: (giggles) But he didn't pop the sun out
M: He did honestly (trying to think of a new way to explain the creation story!)
E: But he didn't pop the sun out today Mummy...[E points at the window]'s raining!

Keep on thinking my darling, and keep on making us giggle,
Love always,
Mummy x

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