Sunday 6 March 2011

Smiles, crawling and hospitals!

Dear P,

I was thinking recently that you get less letters on here than your sister....I guess she does more than you at the moment. But that doesn't stop you being gorgeous.

You've settled well at nursery and you're coping well with my return to work. You seem to be growing every day and you're much bigger than E was at your age. You're also still looking much like she did which is a source of amusement as we look at baby photos trying to work out which of you it is. There are definite differences though. Grandpa commented the other day about your smile. It lights up the room! E had a gorgeous smile, and it really was very similar to yours, but her eyes were a more intense blue than yours so you noticed them first, where with you it is definitely your smile that lights up your face. Gorgeous, truly gorgeous.

You've also started to cuddle right into us, which is just lovely. You've always been a cuddly baby, but now you initiate cuddles, and snuggle with up close. You also blow kisses, and yesterday you were leaning in to kiss my face. Too cute for words!

You now have two bottom teeth, which were painful for you for a while (and now are only painful for me when you trick me into putting my finger into your and then chomping down hard!). You're not bothering to move much though. You sit very solidly and love sitting playing with a box of toys. You now try to move one leg under you so you look as though you are about to crawl off, but you haven't mastered that yet. If we put you on your hands and knees, you look at us like we're mad and then cry! You love being up on your feet, but don't seem to appreciate that you need a little balance, so you have to hold on tight to our hands. You'll get there in your own time, and for now I'm enjoying being able to put you down and come back to you still in the same place. After all, why move when you have a devoted big sister who will bring you anything you want!

The next couple of weeks are due to be a little hospital related! Daddy has gall stones and is havig his gall bladder removed on Thursday. We'll go and stay at Grandma and Grandpa's but apart from that life should be too different for you. Here's hoping all goes well for him. And then a week after that it's your turn, baby girl. You have a tongue tie, which I noticed as soon as you were born, but division is rarely done in small babies unless it affects feeding. You never suffered from this problem, but it concerns me that it may affect your speech, so we're having it divided. Only a tiny operation, but it does need a general anaesthetic. I'm sorry for putting you through it, but it is with your best interests at heart. So I'll be with you and hopefully Daddy too if he's recovered from his op. Here's just hoping E doesn't decide to compete and need a hospital too!

Big smiley snuggles,
Mummy x

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