Wednesday 13 April 2011


Dear P,

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Little One!

Today is your first birthday. I cannot work out where the last year has gone. A year. 52 weeks. 365 days. Wow. It truly blows my mind.

You're still as gorgeous as ever, and very very smiley. Everyone comments on your smile....maybe because it's permanent! Lots of old ladies like to chat to you, and tell us how gorgeous you are.

This morning started with E coming in to wish you a happy birthday. She sang to you as soon as she saw you, for which you beamed! Then she gave you her present - a wee Miffy. You cuddled it straight away which thrilled E. She adores you, and you adore her. Sisterly love, completely! I thought things might change, but we've had a year of adoration with never a cross word....long may it continue!

Today we had a family day - the bonus of a Mummy who doesn't work Wednesdays, and a Daddy who can get days off occasionally! We were hoping to go to Blackpool Zoo as you seem to love animals, but it was very cold and slightly rainy, so we decided against it. Instead, a trip to the Sea Zoo was much enjoyed. You especially liked the tunnels where the fish and sharks swam above us...your little face was a picture.

Lunch in Debenhams, a touch of shopping and a play on the slot machines (well, not for just watched and ultimately fell asleep!) completed our time in Blackpool. Very similar to your big sister's last birthday!! But we all enjoyed it, and we finished it off with a trip to a Carvery pub where you munched your way happily through yorkshire pudding and plenty of meat!!

Party is Saturday with the family with a rabbit-shaped cake (in theory!) made by Mummy and E! Hope you like it, wee one!

So a year on, it feels like you've always been here. The four day labour was worth every minute. Your sister adores you and wouldn't be without you (and never mentioned that she was convinced you were a boy, and would be called Five!). I can't wait to see what the next year holds. Hopefully walking on your own, talking, and much much more!

Love you always, my little one year old,
Mummy xxx

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