Tuesday 29 March 2011

Resilience and smiles

Dear P,

On Saturday you stuck your tongue out at me. Some may say it was cheeky, but it really made me smile! It was the first time you had ever done it. As I've blogged previously, you were born with a tongue tie and we decided to get it snipped.

You were 11 months old so it was a procedure done under general anaesthetic. You weren't allowed any milk after 5am, so typically you slept through, and I had to wake you at 4.30am to give you some milk. You looked at me like I was mad! But then I couldn't get you back to sleep so we were up early! We were in Preston Hospital at 7.30am, and you smiled at people for a while. By 9am you were hungry and not impressed that we were withholding breakfast.

You went down to surgery just after 10am. I carried you down with Penguin and leaving you in the anaesthetic room was horrible. You were asleep and fine and I knew they would look after you. I also knew you wouldn't be gone for long, but it was still scary leaving you in there and walking out clutching Penguin.

25ish minutes later we were called into recovery. You were crying on the recovery nurse, but I cuddled you and fed you and you were fine. We were wheeled back to the ward and you spent half the journey smiling at the porter!!! After a nap (where we took some very cute photos of you!) you were back to your normal smiley self. You charmed all the nurses and munched your way through toast and lots of other things very soon. No lasting damage at all!

So the tongue poking out was confirmation that they had snipped it for you. Here's hoping you'll never be in hospital again my darling!

Just under a week later you showed your remarkable resilience again. Daddy had has his gall bladder removed a week before your op, and on his first day back at work after a fortnight off, he ended up in agony and took a trip to A&E. I got the call to say he'd been taken in just as I came to pick you and E up from Grandma and Grandpa's house. They kept hold of you two while I raced to the hospital to see him. He wasn't well, so we decided that you would have to sleep at Grandma and Grandpa's that night. I popped back and fed you quickly, but you were happy as ever.

That night you were very brave. First night away from us and you coped admirably. Though I believe you spent a lot of the night sleeping on Grandpa's chest in the lounge!! Good job he retired and didn't have to go to work the following day. I am very proud of you for being so brave. Nothing phases you does it?! (I was awake most of the night worrying about you!)

Well done little P.

You rock!

Love Mummy x

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