Friday 27 May 2011

Taking care

Dear E,

You are very very caring, especially to your little sister, and it's lovely to see. You two love cuddles, and P gets very excited when you hug her.

Today you were most concerned about your favourite nursery nurse. You go to nursery 2 days each week, but next week is my half term, and we're off camping. So you'll miss two days and you were evidently concerned about how Sarah would cope without you. You had apparently asked Irham (another nursery nurse) whether she was in next week. When she confirmed she was, you asked her if she could please look after Sarah as you weren't going to be there!!! I love it! (Not sure how you think she copes on the days you're not in, but hey!)

You have also picked up another very cute habit. My parents (your Grandma and Grandpa) always say 'Take care' when we part, and you have picked this up. Thus every time I leave you with them and drive off to work, I am followed by your shouts of 'TAKE CARE!' at top volume!

Hope you're taking care, little bear,
Mummy x

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