Friday 12 August 2011

It's been a while...

Dear girls,

Sorry I haven't written for a while. I'm not sure why, you have done plenty of fabulous things, but I haven't had the words to write. Today I'm trying to repair that.

You've both grown up a lot since I last wrote. E you have grown physically. You used to be quite small for your age, but now (at nearly 4.....where did the time go?!!) you've suddenly shot up in height. You're blonde and leggy! Definitely beautiful, and very cheeky! You still think you're in charge and your favourite word is still 'Why?' but your grin and sparkly blue eyes make me smile constantly.

You have a new favourite film - the Wizard of Oz. I had to buy you a Dorothy costume, shortly followed by Dorothy shoes(!) and we have watched the film so many times! And you have learned lots of new nursery rhymes - mainly read to you by Grandpa and now being read back to him. Talking of reading, you're obsessed by initial sounds. We spend a lot of our car journeys with you working out what sounds different words start with. You love to 'read' books you know well. Especially the first page of the Apple Tree Farm books!!! We love Mrs Boot, Poppy and Sam.

P, you have made massive progress recently...finally learning to walk unaided! You have been pootling around holding our hands for months, but last Sunday you finally let go of the furniture decisively and walked across the room. We all clapped, and you proceeded to do it again and again! On Wednesday, I bought you your first shoes! I'm glad that you love them, and you regularly ask me in your own special way to put them on for you.

You're a bookworm like your sister. You spend half your days bringing me the little books for me to read to you. You are very good at tidying up though. If I offer you a box or bag, you'll put everything away it in very carefully!

Girls, you are both so fabulous. You make me smile every day. I love you.

Mummy x

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