Friday 23 September 2011

Letters and Sounds

Dear E,

I have posted before (multiple times!) about your love of books. You have always loved stories and we always read at bedtime. One long time favourite are the Apple Tree Farm stories. I don't think you've realised there is a duck hiding in every picture waiting for you to find it, but the stories are often read. You have to "read" the first page - This is Apple Tree Farm. This is Mrs Boot the farmer. She has two children called Poppy and Sam and a dog called Rusty.

You say it with such pride. I can imagine you in your first school assembly, or nativity play, reciting the lines you have practised again and again. It's lovely to see your face as you think you can read it.

I would love to teach you to read. I'd love to unlock that love for words....and books. The thrill of being able to decode the squiggles on the page is immense. I've been putting it off as I don't want you to be labelled at school as a teacher's daughter, and for your teachers to think I'm a pushy mum. I'm not.....yet! Although your obsession with sounds and letters is growing. Tonight driving home you were talking about 'needing' a trumpet (which made me laugh anyway!), but then you sounded it out; "t...r...u...p...i....t". I was so impressed. Maybe we'll start a bit of letter/sound recognition soon eh?!

You're also still hilarious. You adore Sarah, a nursery nurse at Little Acorns. She is apparently your best ever friend, equal only to Phoebe in your love! She teaches you all kinds of little phrases - the latest was "I'm worth it"....a lot like the L'Oreal advert. Sounds very cute coming from your little mouth!

The love for Phoebe knows no bounds though. You would do anything for her, give anything to her and share everything with her. Walking out of nursery tonight, you were talking about a cake you had made and decorated today, while carrying it out to the car. You told Phoebe (completely unprompted) that you would share it with her when we got home....and you did. So so kind.

You're a star, and I love you,

Mummy xxx

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