Monday 10 October 2011

Giggles and growing

Dear P,

I blogged about your sisters birthday recently, but it seems you're the one who is growing up quickly! Every day I seem to see something about you that is that little bit more grown up. I'm not sure where my tiny baby went!

You've moved out of the Baby Room at Nursery - now you're a Tweenie and loving it! You're loving playing outside on their fabulous outdoor area and climbing in the tunnel. You're also travelling in more grown up style, as we've finally moved you out of your baby car seat, into a forward facing set, just like E's. You think it's hilarious and E loves to hold your hand, or the two of you play passing things between you and giggling like a pair of loons.

Giggling is something you do a lot of! If you're not giggling when being tickled, you're up to mischief with your sister and giggling away in a corner of the house. Lots of things make you laugh.A few nights ago you were having your bedtime feed, when you looked at my left breast and giggled, then chortled, then laughed hilariously! I have no idea what was so funny, but it took you ages to feed, and when you did it was with a real smile in your eyes.

You know your own mind, and now you're saying yes and no and we certainly know what you are after! You always make yourself understood and every day new words are appearing. I didn't know you knew the word 'bowl' until you demanded one for your fruit flakes a few weeks ago! An amusing word to know and always well used!

And then there are new words......on Saturday evening we had been watching Strictly Come Dancing (for which you had picked up a cushion, and sat on the floor to watch!) and we were crawling round the floor laughing together, when you picked up a toy. It's a small stuffed rabbit-like creature - Little Nutbrown Hare from the story 'Guess How Much I Love You' (which I have blogged about previously as one of E's favourites). After you had cuddled the animal for a while, it was time for bed so I asked if you were bring Nutbrown Hare. You looked at me in a slightly confused way, and put the hare on your head! You did wonder why I was now the one laughing hilariously!

Keep laughing little one, and I'm certain you'll keep us laughing.
Yours, with giggles and love,
Mummy x

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