Thursday 8 December 2011

New adventures!

Dear Girls,

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while...I've been a bit busy. New and exciting things are afoot. Tomorrow we pick up the keys for our new house! Yes, we're moving.

We've had our house on the market for the last four years, since E was a tiny baby. No-one was interested, until some friends wanted to buy it to rent out. So now we're hours away from owning a new house....complete with a garden and a garage which were the two things E asked for.

It took you a little while to come round to the idea Esther. I guess when you're 4, the concept of 'moving house' is a little abstract. Still, I think you understand it now. You're certainly very excited about it.  We are as well. It is exciting, although a little daunting.

Daddy and I both feel like it's far too grown up a house for us! Madness eh?! I hope it's going to be a lovely family home.  It does feel odd to be leaving here too. Daddy has never lived outside the Valley in his living memory (he moved here when he was only 2), so he's understandably nervous. I just keep thinking about leaving this little house. It is a lovely house and a fabulous home. So much has happened here. Daddy and I bought it just before we got married, and it was the house we came home to the day after our wedding. We lived here, started careers here, conceived both of you here (sorry girls, was that too much information?!), and brought you both home here as tiny babies.

Tomorrow is the beginning of a new adventure for our wee family.  Let's go girls, let's go enjoy that garden and lovely house!

Looking forward to lots of new experiences with you two.
Mummy x

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