Tuesday 20 March 2012

Updates, new stuff and much fun

Dear girls,
Welcome to 2012! I can't believe it's now the middle of March and I haven't written anything. So much has happened, and I don't know where to start!

As I wrote last time, we have moved house. Bamber Bridge is lovely, the house is perfect and we are all loving it. You girls have a lovely bedroom, and now have big girls' beds! Even little P who isn't yet two has a grown up bed! Gorgeous. The lounge is huge and airy, the dining room (though needing patio doors to the outside!) is lovely if we ignore the decor, and has lots of room for toys. The kitchen is nice, and the garden is amazing! Well, not amazing to lots of people, but from nothing, it's truly fab! The trampoline is a great hit and we've had so much fun bouncing!

We've found a lovely church and you have some fun friends there. All is good!

E, you're all grown up! 4 1/2 and so fabulous. You love your wee sister so much, always cuddling and looking after her. You do all kinds of jobs to help me.....thank you so much! You're very excited about starting school. Still a few months to go, and we don't find out which school you will go to until the end of April.. You're hoping for the one you call 'the red school'....fingers crossed! I just can't believe you're old enough. If you had been born 32 days earlier, you'd be halfway through your first year at school. Madness. You're my baby! Still, I know you're ready for it. You've suddenly started reading. We got a first phonics book from the library last week and you just picked it up and read it cover to cover. Amazing! I'm so proud of you little one!

P, you're growing up fast too. Almost 2 years old. Where did the time go? When you lie in my arms having milk, I still see you as a tiny bear. Then you jump up, toddle off and talk to me, and I know you're not a baby really. You adore your big sister, and look just like her. On Monday I came into the Tweenie room at nursery to collect you and for once I was without E as she  had gone to wash her hands. You shouted "E-der" (you struggle with the /s/ sound!) and looked round for her. You were most put out. Then she appeared, your little face lit up and you wrapped your arms around her. Moments like that melt my heart! You truly are best friends.

Girls, I adore you. Thank you for making my life complete. It was Mothers' Day last Sunday, and I just spent the day counting my blessings, and thanking God for two little girls, and their Daddy, who truly make me complete.

God bless,
Mummy x

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