Tuesday 14 September 2010

A sad day.

Dear girls,

You probably won't remember yesterday, but it was a sad day. Our lovely big black cat, Chewy, was found dead. Run over on the busy road outside. We're very sad. He was about 6 years old, a rescue cat. The biggest, craziest, sweetest cat you could wish for. He was named Chewy as he made a noise like a Wookie on the first night we had him. Chewbacca....Chewy.

He caught all kinds of animals - voles, shrews, mice, birds, rats and even squirrels. Very generous, and always laid out on the dining room floor. Thanks Chew! I know it's cos he loved us, but it was horrid to get up in the morning and find a dead beastie there!

He also ate anything and everything. Nothing was safe in the kitchen unless shut in a cupboard,and it seems the neighbours' kitchens weren't safe either! He often came home with chunks of cheese, or pork chops, or similar....I've never worked out where he stole it from!

P, you won't remember our gorgeous boy, but E might. You made me laugh, little E, when we told you about his passing. I tried to use it as a bit of a road safety lesson, so after we'd ascertained that he'd gone crash bang with a car and he was hurt, you wanted to know if he'd gone in an ambulance to hospital. We explained that cats didn't go to hospital, and told you'd he'd gone to Heaven and wouldn't be coming back. You asked how he'd got to Heaven and who had taken him from our house.....I thought fast, and told you that if you go to Heaven, you just go - no-one takes you. So you made me smile by saying, "I hope he went on the pavement, Mummy."

Rest in peace Chewy cat. Go chase squirrels to your heart's content. We all miss you, especially your fiercest adversary, Monkey.

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