Thursday 28 October 2010

Holidays and other whitterings

Dear beautiful girls,

We recently went on a fabulous holiday. We're not into massive crazy foreign travel, or long lazy beach holidays, but we do love getting away. The latest adventure was to Pembrokeshire in South Wales. We often holiday in North Wales which is lovely, but none of us had ever ventured further south.

Some lovely friends recommended Bluestone and we thought we'd take a chance on them....and how right they were! It was truly lovely. Gorgeous cottage in a gorgeous part of the world. You both loved it.

Free swimming was a bonus. P had never swum before, and E not since before you were one. Well both of you took to it ducks to water! P was happy floating around and being bounced in the water, and E started nervously, but was soon swimming happily (with arm bands of course) on your own. Jumping in, and being dunked under the water soon followed, all met with whoops of joy and huge smiles. How fabulous!

We were lucky to share our time there with two lots of friends - each with similar aged children to you so E was very entertained. We copied the one set and signed up for an evening called 'Silent World' - a chance to meet snakes, spiders, and similar creatures. An interesting talk from a guy who obviously loved his beasties, and then a chance to handle some! Daddy enjoyed cuddling the constrictor, and we all giggled at a friend who screamed like a girl when his friendly snake gave him rather a close cuddle! I was cuddling P who was struggling a little with the evening drawing in and was less entertained than the rest of us, but having seen Daddy holding the snakes, E got interested. Our friend (the wife of the girly screamer!) was holding a small orange snake, and you slowly walked over to it and looked more closely. First invitations to touch it were declined, but later you decided that you were more interested. Eventually, you were holding the wee snake all on your own, and really interested by it! I have never known you be so up close with animals!! Well done brave girl!

Much fun was had on holiday and we all came home happy...but after a fun-filled week, I can't say we were relaxed. However, we have booked to go again! So next October we'll be back!

So what else is new since I last wrote? Well P, you have taken to solids like a pro! You're loving eating....anything and everything! You're much happier with a spoon than E was, and equally happy feeding yourself. Blowing raspberries into your yoghurt has been discovered as a fun past time already! And you'll even eat my cooking, which is more than E did at your age, so thanks!

Apart from that, loads of fun is had. P is growing up fast and just gorgeous. So chilled out and happy. E is growing up faster and is hilarious! You both make me smile so much, and I feel very very blessed.

Oh and I hope you'll always be as close as you are now. I am told repeatedly that P is E's best friend. Long may it continue my lovely girls.

Love always,
Mummy xxx

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