Saturday 2 October 2010

There's no such thing as a ....!

Dear E,

Today is your 3rd birthday! Happy Birthday gorgeous girl!

So we had a birthday day out yesterday. Went to Blackpool to the Sea Life Centre. You were quite taken with the fish and sharks...and the wee soft play centre at the end. Much fun. After a nice lunch in Debenhams we went to Coral Island...basically slot machine city! I've never really played on slot machines. Well there was a 10p machine in the bowling alley which I've used, but that was all really. You enjoyed those - and won a little bit too! We also found a ride for you to go on which you loved, and then started winning tickets. Lots of fun games....some more for us than for you, but I think it's safe to say you enjoyed yourself. The day was finished nicely with a Pizza Hut and the obligatory tantrum from the overtired birthday girl!!

Today is your birthday. We got you up to a round of 'Happy Birthday!' and you went off to Men's Breakfast at church with Daddy. I was busy finishing the cakes and present wrapping. You opened your presents when you got back - the highlights being a scooter and a blue guitar...which you played like a rock star!

Then this afternoon was party time. A Gruffalo theme - well, the cake was a Gruffalo. I had spent hours creating a Gruffalo...I hope you liked him! He certainly seemed to go down well with people there. We also had a bouncy castle. You were very excited. You bounced a lot! And I mean more than Tigger...if that's possible.

After the party we came home and opened presents. I think for you the unwrapping is still more exciting that what is inside! Although, having been interested in each present briefly before moving on to the next one to unwrap, you did go back through them all after they were all opened and looked again. I don't think you wanted to go to bed.

Lying next to you in your fairy bed after reading stories (The Gruffalo, and The Gruffalo's Child...obviously!), I remembered where i was three years ago. It was about that time that things started to go a bit wrong in labour, and we started thinking about a C-Section. Scary times. But it was all worth it. I loved you the moment I saw you, and you really are the best thing I ever did...well, now half the best thing I ever did - you have to share that one with your sister.

I hope three is going to be a good age. We never had much terrible-ness about two, so I hope three doesn't herald that start of that! On one hand you're so grown up, we can talk about anything and you seem to be able to do more new things every day, but on the other hand, you're still my baby. You still need cuddles when you're upset, you still need help doing lots of things...and baby girl, I'll always be here when you need me.

Love you more each day. Looking forward to the next leg on our journey together,
Mummy x


  1. *weep*

    Happy Birthday lovely Esther. Hope the Threenager stage is kind to your mummy!

    Lots of love Us xx
