Saturday 9 October 2010


Dear P,

Today you are 25 weeks and 4 days old. So time for food, solid food. We kicked E out of her highchair (promoting her to a grown up chair, that is!), chopped up an old shower curtain to protect the floor, bought new bibs, cups and spoons and off we went! You sat happily in the high chair, and munched on some boiled carrot. Fab!

I think you enjoyed it. You certainly held your little chubby hand out for more. I also gave you a rice cake - that was tasty too I think. The idea of pureed apple on a spoon didn't go down so well. Your little face changed when you tasted that, but we'll keep trying.

The move to solids is a bittersweet one for me. I have exclusively breastfed you for 25 weeks and 3 days. That's a long time. Ok so part of me would like my body back, but mostly I have loved it. You took to it straight away, and have never had any problem feeding. I know you're getting enough as you're a big baby - 18lb 8oz at the last weigh in. You've been mostly tracking above the 91st centile in the official red book, which means that less than 9% of babies your age are bigger than you!

I love breastfeeding.

I've been very lucky and had two little girls who have known what to do and have just got on with it. I've met lots of people who have struggled, and been badly let down and misinformed. I've trained as a breast feeding peer supporter (partly with you in utero and partly with you around!) and would love to help just one person to carry on breastfeeding. Equally, I support anyone who chooses to bottle feed. I'd support anyone in their long as they are informed. It's personal choice, and I could witter about the benefits of breastmilk (for they are many and proven), but I just wish people were better educated. Anyway, mustn't rant.......

So, I fed your big sister till she was 2 years old, and who knows how long I'll continue with you. I'm certainly not ready to stop yet. But food has to come into your diet sometime, and today was that day.

So I'm guessing you'll start to feed from me less. That may not be good. I think the only way I can get away with the amount of cake I eat is because I give my extra calories to you. Feeding an 18lb baby was certainly a good excuse in my head! But I'm kinda addicted to cake (I may have blogged about this before...) and I'm not sure how to give it up!

Anyway, I bet you'll enjoy cake! And chocolate.....not that I'll share mine! Be warned - Mummy doesn't share cake! But for now, it's all new for you...I wonder what new tastes tomorrow will bring....

Your cake-obsessed Mummy x

1 comment:

  1. Well done you to get to 25 weeks and 3 days exclusively. That is such an achievement.
